

Hey beauties! I realize I haven't really posted much on here about what all I deal with health-wise so I figured I'd make a page about it and explain the best I could.
I got sick when I was 14 and was sick for 5-6 months before any doctor really knew what was wrong with me, I had completely stopped eating because I physically could not keep anything down. I lost 60+ pounds and had been going to a pediatric gastroenterologist for a few of those months, finally the "last resort" test they did showed my gallbladder had completely stopped working, 0% function. So the doctor told me there was a 50/50 chance that I would feel better with removal but it had to come out regardless. I went into surgery and had a lot of issues during and afterwards, my heart rate and blood pressure were both over 200 due to the amount of pain I was in and the doctors couldn't get me to wake up. I finally woke up hours later(when it should have only taken 15 minutes) and had to stay over night.
Fast forward to months later, I didn't really feel much better stomach wise and I started experiencing all of these weird symptoms, body wide pain, numbness, extreme fatigue, etc so I got referred to a pediatric rheumatologist, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, numbness, sleep disturbances, memory and mood issues(as well as 200+ other symptoms). It is classified as a life-long central nervous system disorder and there is no cure nor many treatment options.
I'm going to make the rest of this short and sweet because I've been diagnosed with way too many things to describe in detail, and I'm sure you don't want to be here all day.

Diagnoses in order by age:
Vesicoureteral Reflux age 2 (finally fixed at age 12)
Psoriasis age 8
Chronic Urticaria (hives) age 9-10
Gallbladder failure & removal age 14
GERD/Acid Reflux Disease age 14
Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) age 14
Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia age 14
Fibromyalgia age 15
Iron Deficiency Anemia age 15(still anemic to this day)
Bulging Disc age 17
Chronic Refractory Migraines / Cluster Headaches age 17
Mononeuritis age 17
TMJ age 17
Degenerative Disc Disease age 20
Osteoarthritis of the Spine age 20
Radiculopathy age 20
Raynauds Disease age 21
Intraocular Hypertension / Glaucoma Suspect of both Eyes age 22
Intracranial Hypertension age 22
*Probable* Sjogrens / Lupus age 23

I linked all of the diseases to explanations and websites on them because it would take way too long to explain everything. Now that we have that out of the way, you can see that I have quite a bit going on. I'm on many medications a day to help me function and have a better quality of life, and for the most part they work. I still have pain and symptoms but not nearly as bad as it was before the medications. All of my tests and such point to lupus and/or sjogrens disease and I am on treatment for both, but no firm diagnosis as of yet. If you've made it this far, you are the real M V P. Thanks so much for reading and for being here!